FC Broad Run’s Trail Blazin Boone JH
Sire: DC Piper's Upwind of Bunker Hill
Dam: Broad Run Blaze JH
Breeders: Michelle Dowd and Patrick Dowd
Owners: Michelle Dowd and Patrick Dowd
DOB: 10/12/2005
DOD: 08/11/2021
AKC #: SR29820501
OFA Hips #: Good, VZ-10602G25M-VPI
OFA Thyroid #: Normal, VZ-TH583/68M-VPI
CERF #: Normal, VZ-353881
CHIC #: 75118
DNA #: V449096
About Boone
Boone was our first born out of Broad Run Blaze JH, our foundation bitch. He was named in honor of Michelle's ancestor, the American pioneer and trailblazer Daniel Boone. Boone had a big lovable temperament. A sweet Vizsla, who adored all kids, and loved a good snuggle. In the field Boone was naturally driven and full of instinct. Above all Boone lived for the hunt!
Frozen semen available to approved bitches.
Boone’s Competitive Career
During Boone's Puppy/Derby career he took 2nd place in the VCA 2006 National Open Puppy stake. He was ranked #3 on VCA Top Ten Puppy/Derby (8/2007). His two litter sisters were ranked #1 and #2: FC Broad Run's Blazing Delight - #1 on VCA Top Ten Puppy/Derby (8/2007) and Broad Run's Blazn Vitesse JH - #2 on VCA Top Ten Puppy/Derby (8/2007).
Boone began his first season of Gun Dog stakes at age two, in the Fall of 2008. He won a 4 point major retrieving stake his first month out as a green-broke Gun Dog. He took some time off during 2009, due to a Lyme disease infection. We returned to field trialing with Boone in the Fall 2010 season. He finished his Field Champion (FC) title in November 2010, with a 4 point major win in the AGD stake at the Eastern GSP Club Fall field trial in Medford NJ; thus completing his FC title with Puppy/Derby points and two Gun Dog Majors!